An implementation to run a Ninja modded with teensyninja ( mods

Related Documentation

PhiPi's Ninja Mods - original URL
Manish Pandya's teensyninja Mods - original URL
Paul J Stoffregen's Teensy page - original URL (for usb hardware)

Differences between Phil Pilgrim's ninja mods and teensyninja Mods
Manish Pandya

PhiPi mod doesn't allow any command but 'Backspace' and 'Reset' while unit is in motion teensyninja allows all commands except m, s andc while unit is already in motion
No '\r' required at the end of each command Command needs to end in '\r'
Macro is not stored in eeprom Macro is stored in eeprom, auto replayed at startup
Macro length is 64 bytes Macro length coded to be 256 bytes, could be increased upto 6K or more!
Absolutely no feedback teensyninja reports back internal status of Ninja unit upon request
Command buffer is 16 bytes long Commands are buffered at OS lavel in the USB communication channel buffer
No uptime Reports uptime
Calibrates only at startup Calibrates on every opportunity to cross center line (except +-50 tics of fuzz near center)
Runs at twice the speed and double the torque Runs at original speed of x10 firmware with same torque which is about of half of PhiPi's mod
Requires double the power as two coils per motor are engaged at the same time Doesn't require new power supply